Planting Instructions/Care
If you are contemplating on planting trees, shrubs or greenhouse plants here are a few tips to help you out.

Tree Planting
When planting or transplanting trees, make sure to pay attention to the size of their root ball. Dig a hole in the ground at least two times the size of the bulb. If your tree has bare roots, then dig a hole three times its size.
After you've created the hole, carefully hold the root ball, place it on the ground and turn it the direction you want your tree to face.
If the roots contain burlap around them, then gently try to take it off or push it down towards the soil when you plant the ball. Make sure to allow the roots to breathe as you fill the hole back up with the excavated soil.
In order for the tree to grow straight, drive a stake into the root ball and loosely tie it to the tree trunk. Once the trunk has acclimated itself to its new home, take the stake out.
Tree Care & Tree Watering
As soon as you are done planting the tree, water the roots and then continue watering the tree once a week. The soil should be moist at least 12-18 inches deep. Dig 6-8 inches deep next to the tree root to see if the soil is dry. Add about 3 inches of mulch around the tree to protect it from weeds.
Shrub Planting
Shrub planting is a little different from tree planting. Prior to planting a shrub, make sure you have space large enough to fit it. Rake the leaves and move the excess material away from the designated area. Once that is done, dig a hole twice the size of the shrub but as deep as the container it came from. To make sure the soil drains properly, test it by filling the hole with water. After a couple of hours come back. If the water is gone, that means the ground is perfect.
However, if the water hasn't drained, you must look for another spot. If your shrub is suitable for wet or damp surfaces, then go ahead and plant it there.

Once you are satisfied with the position, take the shrub's root ball and gently slide it over to the hole. The root ball height should fit exactly like it did in the original container. If it doesn't, adjust the ground by either adding or digging more until the root fits right. Once on the ground, gently free the roots by reshaping them. Mold them against the earth to let them breathe. Once you are done with the roots, fill the hole back up with the excavated soil. Make sure to cover the roots all the way past 1/2 inch from the ground. Most gardeners recommend nothing be added to the shrubs when planting and/or after. Compost, moss and soil mixes are some of the organic materials that may alter your plants growing process rather than help it. The last step to shrub planting is watering it. Make sure to water the roots first with easy flowing water from the hose. Then work your way around it until you cover from the inner center to outside. Add 2-3 inches of shredded bark mulch to the root ball and around the plant and water the plant weekly.

Plant Care
Whether you plant flowers, shrubs or trees, the plant care principle is the same for all: Water and light are a necessity for all plants to survive. Of course, different species of plants and trees require additional care in order to bloom and last. Water provides moisture for plants. A plant's habitual climate decides how much they need to survive. Water your plants according to their instructions. The same principle lies for tree care. The desirable time for tree watering depends on the type of tree you have: Tropical, dessert of perennial.
Protect your plants from the weather. Trees and plants require special attention during the winter or very hot seasons. In order to prevent the roots from being pushed out of the ground during winter, add 3-5 inches of fall mulch to keep the roots insulated. Perennials and other delicate plants should have a screen around them. Some plants require a lot of sunlight while others drive on the shade and a bit of light.
Nutrition such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are essential for plants to grow. These are elements that should be added once your plant has ample time to grow. In order to determine the quantity both trees or plants need, you must research the type of plant/tree species you have.
If you follow these tips, you'll have a great start to planting.